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Environmental responsibility


Responsible technology

Modern technology meets green values in the operation of our company. Besides high usability, reliability and information security, also energy efficiency is an important starting point in the operation of our company and in the design of our products and services.

We promote environmentalism and counteract climate change by reducing emissions, decreasing energy consumption and fostering the use of renewable energy sources.

Our management of environmental issues is based on international standards and guidelines, such as ISO 14001. They help us ensure that all our operations follow environmental impact assessment and continuous improvement.

How we reduce the environmental impact of our operation

  • Our cloud service system reduces user-specific energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, because local servers are not needed. Cloud service also reduces energy consumption from materials and logistics.
  • In the development of new products, we try to make use of durable design and new materials with smaller carbon footprint.
  • Most of our products are manufactured in Finland by a ISO 14001 environmentally certified contract manufacturer.
  • Replaceable parts are recycled in the factory overhaul process of safety buttons, which extends the operating life of the products and ensures safety in using the products.
  • Our main office is located in Finland in Oulu Technopolis, where all electricity is produced with 100 % renewable energy sources.
  • We have a paperless office. 99 % of all our documents are in electronic format.
  • We try to minimise the amount of waste and recycle and process all waste in the appropriate way (e.g. electronic waste according to the WEEE directive).

Contact information

Elektroniikkatie 2, FI-90590 Oulu

C/O Hetch, Henckels torg 2, 252 36 Helsingborg

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Part of ASSA ABLOY Group


24/7 Technical support: +358 20 752 9055
Switchboard: +358 20 752 9050

Business id: 2269554-4
VATT number:

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Elektroniikkatie 2, 90590 Oulu

C/O Hetch, Henckels torg 2, 252 36 Helsingborg

Y-Tunnus: 2269554-4
ALV numero: FI22695544

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Part of ASSA ABLOY Group


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Contact information

Elektroniikkatie 2, FI-90590 Oulu

C/O Hetch, Henckels torg 2, 252 36 Helsingborg

Facebook LinkedIn Instagram Twitter Youtube

Part of ASSA ABLOY Group


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C/O Hetch, Henckels torg 2, 252 36 Helsingborg

Elektroniikkatie 2, FI-90590 Uleåborg

Facebook LinkedIn Instagram Twitter Youtube

Part of  ASSA ABLOY Group


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Etunimi Sukunimi
+358 40 123 4567


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Etunimi Sukunimi
+358 40 123 4567


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Etunimi Sukunimi
+358 40 123 4567


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