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Helping to care

9Solutions is the leading provider of indoor location-based safety, communications and smart care solutions. We offer the most advanced technology solutions to support safe and high-quality care.


Helping to care

9Solutions is the leading provider of indoor location-based safety, communications and smart care solutions. We offer the most advanced technology solutions to support safe and high-quality care.


Safety, communications and care solutions for hospitals,
care homes and home care


Care homes

Safety and freedom of movement – with the 9Solutions system help is quickly available when it’s needed.

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Home care

Valuable time – the reliable and easy-to-use system frees home care resources to customer work.

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The 9Solutions hospital system provides locating nurse call, personal safety, access control, device locating as well as many other efficiency- and safety-enhancing features in a single system.


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Key figures

9Solutions laitteilla tehdään 20 Mrd paikannusta kuukausittain

20 Billion

Locating events per month

20 000 käsiteltyä kutsua päivittäin


Processed calls per day

Yli 1100 tyytyväistä asiakasorganisaatiota

1700 +

Satisfied customer organisations


What our customers say

The whole deployment project has been smooth and cooperation with 9solutions has been effortless. I’m particularly satisfied with the way things are carried forward flexibly, which is highly important in this kind of cooperation where we also look for new possibilities.

Terho Pekkala
Project Manager
Kainuun sote

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The solution has considerably streamlined our nurses work with customers.

Sirpa Saarela
Development coordinator
City of Oulu

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Mainiokoti Kaislassa ollaan oltu tyytyväisiä 9Solutionsiin erityisesti sen takia, että hälytysranneketta käyttämällä asiakas saa avun nopeasti, kun hän sitä tarvitsee. Sari Kauppinen-Hankaa, yksikönjohtaja, Mainiokoti Kaisla
Customer can get help quickly when needed.

Sari Kauppinen-Hankaa
Unit director, Mainiokoti Kaisla
Hoiva Mehiläinen Oy, City of Espoo

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The 9Solutions system made our work immensely easier, and so I can recommend it to all similar institutions.

Jarmo Lohela
Oulu University Hospital

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What’s particularly good in the delivered solution is that it’s open, easy to integrate and communicates fluently with our other system.

Kaija Kokkonen
Home care manager
City of Kuopio

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Based on our experiences, the system eliminates ca. 80-90 per cent of unnecessary visits.

Kimmo Karhu
Development manager of care phone services
Hoiva Mehiläinen Oy, City of Joensuu

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The whole deployment project has been smooth and cooperation with 9solutions has been effortless. I’m particularly satisfied with the way things are carried forward flexibly, which is highly important in this kind of cooperation where we also look for new possibilities.

Terho Pekkala
Project Manager
Kainuun sote

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Retailers & Partners

Contact information

Elektroniikkatie 2, FI-90590 Oulu

C/O Hetch, Henckels torg 2, 252 36 Helsingborg
Postal address: Redaregatan 48, 252 36 Helsingborg

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24/7 Technical support: +358 20 752 9055
Switchboard: +358 20 752 9050

Business id: 2269554-4
VATT number:

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Elektroniikkatie 2, 90590 Oulu

C/O Hetch, Henckels torg 2, 252 36 Helsingborg
Postiosoite: Redaregatan 48, 252 36 Helsingborg

Y-Tunnus: 2269554-4
ALV numero: FI22695544

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Contact information

Elektroniikkatie 2, FI-90590 Oulu

C/O Hetch, Henckels torg 2, 252 36 Helsingborg
Postal address: Redaregatan 48, 252 36 Helsingborg

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C/O Hetch, Henckels torg 2, 252 36 Helsingborg
Postadress: Redaregatan 48, 252 36 Helsingborg

Elektroniikkatie 2, FI-90590 Uleåborg

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Etunimi Sukunimi
+358 40 123 4567


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Etunimi Sukunimi
+358 40 123 4567


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Etunimi Sukunimi
+358 40 123 4567


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