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Care home solution

Easy-to-use and comprehensive solution for customer-oriented care and efficient resourcing.


Care home solution

Easy-to-use and comprehensive solution for customer-oriented care and efficient resourcing.


Safety to the resident and the nurse


Help is quickly available when it’s needed

The continuous and accurate locating information of the 9Solutions system reconstructs the operational picture of the care home. Enhanced information sharing and processing frees time to actual care work.

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Active life in a safe environment

The 9Solutions care home system provides locating nurse call, personal safety, access control, device locating as well as many other efficiency- and safety-enhancing features in a single system.

Nurse call

Locating nurse call with an easy-to-use one-button safety wristband.

Activity monitoring

Motion and activity sensors and falling detection help reacting quickly to accidents in the apartment.

Access control

Intelligent exit management and dementia safety give residents more freedom of movement and activity in the building and yard without putting themselves in danger.

Voice and video connections

Two-way connection in the safety and communications devices in the apartment for checking the status and calling for help.

Personal safety

Continuously locating safety button designed for the danger situations in care work, such as assaults.

Event log and reporting

Automatic and manually entered events constitute a clear report, which improves information flow in the organisation.

What our customers say about us


Prompt help in care homes with locating nurse call system

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9Solutions Hospital System Brochure

Download our brochure from the link below!

Download Care Home brochure


Safety for the nurse and the resident

With the 9Solutions care home solution, the quality of the care and the requirements for improving efficiency come together. Emergency and help calls based on positioning information and automatic sensors increase the safety of both residents and staff and facilitate nursing.

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More time for care work

The Solutions solution is a carefully designed and technically secure package for the everyday life of care homes, with a top-notch usability. Devices and user interfaces are easy to understand and use, and are flexible to the customer’s processes. Effective and real-time communication also helps to reduce unnecessary or overlapping work.

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Easy installation, effortless maintenance

The 9Solutions system is easy and quick to install and effortless to maintain. With superior installation, deployment and maintenance benefits, the system soon pays for itself.


More than 2,000 satisfied health care organisations use the 9Solutions system

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Always glad to tell you more!

Mikko Järveläinen
Key Account Manager
+358 45 135 0827

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Contact information

Elektroniikkatie 2, FI-90590 Oulu

C/O Hetch, Henckels torg 2, 252 36 Helsingborg

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Part of ASSA ABLOY Group


24/7 Technical support: +358 20 752 9055
Switchboard: +358 20 752 9050

Business id: 2269554-4
VATT number:

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Elektroniikkatie 2, 90590 Oulu

C/O Hetch, Henckels torg 2, 252 36 Helsingborg

Y-Tunnus: 2269554-4
ALV numero: FI22695544

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Part of ASSA ABLOY Group


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Contact information

Elektroniikkatie 2, FI-90590 Oulu

C/O Hetch, Henckels torg 2, 252 36 Helsingborg

Facebook LinkedIn Instagram Twitter Youtube

Part of ASSA ABLOY Group


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C/O Hetch, Henckels torg 2, 252 36 Helsingborg

Elektroniikkatie 2, FI-90590 Uleåborg

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Part of  ASSA ABLOY Group


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Etunimi Sukunimi
+358 40 123 4567


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Etunimi Sukunimi
+358 40 123 4567


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Etunimi Sukunimi
+358 40 123 4567


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